A teenager raped a married woman

A BINGA teenager was yesterday sentenced to 10 years in prison for breaking into the bedroom hut of a married woman and raping her. 

Obedience Munsaka (18) had pleaded not guilty to unlawful entry and rape, but was convicted by Hwange regional division, Dambudzo Malunga.

Two years of his sentence were conditionally suspended for five years.

Malunga said Munsaka’s tender age had saved him from serving a longer period behind bars.

“The maximum sentence this court can sentence you for rape is 20 years and I would have given you 20 years looking at the way you committed the offence of entering into her hut without her consent and going on to rape her,” Malunga said.

“As if that was not enough, you go on to lie to this court that she was your girlfriend to cover your tracks and in the process almost destroyed her marriage. However, because of your tender age, I have brought the sentence down to 10 years as prison life will destroy your future.”
A teenager raped a married woman
Prosecutor Tawanda Sigauke told the court that on December 29 last year, Munsaka went to the complainant’s homestead at around midnight when she was fast asleep.

He broke into her bedroom hut and strangled the woman when she tried to fight back before pinning her to the ground and raping her once.

He then fled and the woman informed her neighbour who accompanied her to report the matter to the village head.

They went to Munsaka’s homestead with the village head and confronted Munsaka, but he denied committing the offence.

He, however, confessed to committing the offence in the presence of his relatives and a report was made to the police, leading to his arrest.

Source: SouthernEye

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