Early Warning Sings of Carbohydrate Intolerance That’s Causing Fatigue and Weight Gain

As soon as people start gaining weight and report symptoms like fatigue, low energy, experienced doctors start an investigation in order to find other health issues which triggered this condition.

Sometimes, when you start gaining weight and feel exhausted in the afternoons, and check your condition, the results indicate that your blood sugar levels are in the pre-diabetic range.

However, blood sugar levels are elevated due to the consumption of white flour, refined sugar, refined grains, and if your food is not high in those, you may actually suffer from another issue.

Namely, the reason for the issues you experience may be the “healthy carbs”— or whole grains such as quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice, high-glycemic fruits such as mango, watermelon, and pineapple, and starchy foods such as beans and sweet potatoes.
Early Warning Sings of Carbohydrate Intolerance That’s Causing Fatigue and Weight Gain
These foods are extremely beneficial for some people, but they may not be useful for people whose bodies cannot tolerate all that sugar.

In this case, the elimination of these foods may drastically improve your health, help you lose excess weight and provide energy. This condition is quite common and it is also known as carbohydrate intolerance.

If you experience some of more of the symptoms listed below, you are probably carbohydrate intolerant:
  • Anxiety, Depression
  • Excess body weight
  • Brain fog
  • Constant fatigue, particularly after a meal rich in carbs
  • Uncontrolled appetite
  • Leading a sedentary life
  • Food cravings, for starchy or sweet food, like pasta, bread, beans, potatoes
  • Aching muscles
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Joint pain
  • If your blood sugar levels are in the upper ranges of “normal” or beyond
  • Skin issues
  • Sleeping problems
  • Hormonal issues
Therefore, you should try to avoid legumes, grains, fruit and starchy vegetables from your diet for two weeks, and if you notice a significant chance in your condition, you should be certain that you are carbohydrate intolerant.

However, note that carbohydrate intolerance is not the issue in numerous other people, who can freely consume complex carbs without experiencing any issues.

Yet, if you belong to the other group, you should be cautious and not consume more than 2-3 portions of complex carbs or 2-3 low-glycemic fruits (citrus fruits, apples, fresh berries) during the week.
Source: healthyfoodhouse

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