You Have To Read These 5 Things Men Really Don’t Like In A Women

Just as women find some things unattractive about other women, men can also find things they don’t consider attractive in women.

Here Are The 5 Things Men Hate About Women:

1. Extravagant Hairstyle:
Using products that boost your hair volume as well as accessories in your hair is something men are not attracted to – they prefer long, soft and silky natural hair.

2. Bad Breath and Dirty Teeth:
Yellow stained teeth and bad breath will put off anyone, not just men. Keep your oral hygiene at a high level in order to be more attractive by visiting the dentist regularly and eating a healthy diet.
You Have To Read These 5 Things Men Really Don’t Like In A Women
3. Retouching Makeup in Public:
Men are just not interested in beauty tricks, so don’t retouch your makeup when you go out on a date. Or at least don’t announce it. Simply take an excuse and go to the restroom to refine your makeup.

4. Dark Lip Shades:
Though how much women adore the darker shades of lipstick, somehow it’s not attractive to men. Wear a lighter shade of lipsticks on a date and during the day. Keep the Darker shades for clubbing and night parties.

5. Too much Perfume/ Makeup:
It’s fine using a bit of makeup on your face, but men don’t like it when you’re completely masking your facial features. Apply makeup evenly and pick a tone that suits your natural complexion. Remember – the “less is more” principle applies for makeup.

And now about perfumes – A light spray is just enough when using your perfume – using too much of it won’t please men. Make sure to distribute it on your wrists, neck and behind the ears, not on your clothes.

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