Ten Tips to Prevent Cholera

1. Check before you pack – If you are unsure whether your destination is being affected by the cholera epidemic ask your travel clinic before you set off.

2. Vaccinate – If you can afford the (rather pricey) new oral vaccine, available at most travel clinics in South Africa, this would be worth using. While it does not guarantee that you will not get cholera, if you do it can help you recover faster and you may experience milder symptoms.

3. Keep clean. You should wash your hands using a disinfectant soap and very hot, or boiled, water, throughout the day and especially after using the bathroom and before eating.

4. Boil or purify water.
You cannot simply bring it to the boil – it needs to boil for at least ten minutes in order to make it safe for consumption. If you use bottled water don’t buy local. Water purifiers are available at selected pharmacies and travel stores but be sure to follow the directions to the letter.

5. Spit don't swallow! Use boiled or bottled water to brush your teeth. Even the smallest amount of infected water accidentally swallowed can make you ill.

6. Prepare your own food.
Any vegetables and fruits should be washed, by you, in boiled water only. Also, chop your own food. Do not use pre-prepared fresh produce.

7. Avoid salads.
Raw foods, especially leafy greens such as lettuce, are among the worst ‘culprits’ for carrying cholera-infected water.

8. Be cool.
Even if it’s hot, avoid ice cream and never have ice in your drinks.

9. Lobster -
Just Say No. When dining out avoid seafood. Make sure all cooked meals are served and eaten piping hot.

10. Don’t swim.
Unless it’s in the sparkling, regularly chlorinated hotel swimming pool.

Find out the symptoms of cholera from your nearest travel clinic and If you develop any symptoms seek medical assistance immediately.

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